Blog Post 6: Goodbye 2023, Hello Webby and Bobby!

As I sit here writing this update on the last day of 2023, I am almost in disbelief of what has happened this year. This dream of mine, of providing a sanctuary for dogs (and eventually other animals), transformed this year from an idea to a reality. So much did not go to plan, but I am happy that this vision keeps evolving with my own capacity and ability - and as always, with the care of our pups first and foremost on my mind. 

I’m excited to send you a little end-of-year treat: another new resident introduction!! And not just to one dog, but TWO! If you follow us on social media, you’ve met them already and might even have a sense of their personalities (a reminder that for tons of pictures, videos, and more frequent updates, the best place to find us is on Instagram @sammieshouseanimalsanctuary).

This pair is extremely special. Not only are they a bonded “odd couple”, Webby is our first special needs dog. Bobby (9 years old) and Webby (10 years old) have lived together their entire lives and had a family until recently. A new baby with extreme allergies meant they had to make the heartbreaking decision to give up their dogs. As you can imagine, finding a place for a bonded pair is twice as difficult, especially big dogs, especially when one is special needs. 

They were taken temporarily by a rescue not too far from us, but they knew they couldn’t keep them long-term. So, Sammie’s House scooped them up just before Thanksgiving and they’ve been settling in here ever since!

Bobby is a huge boy - around 90lbs - but he is very smart and listens well. He knows a lot of commands which has made things go relatively smoothly. Although, for 9 years old, he has the energy of a much younger dog! I have no idea of his breed makeup, though he reminds me a bit of Lilly. His paperwork, like so many rescue dogs, says “Lab”. Yeah, okay. He has some arthritis in his hind legs (which definitely doesn’t slow him down), and a few large growths that have been checked and are all benign. The worst of these is one on his chest slightly on his left side. It is enormous - but it doesn’t cause problems besides being unsightly. Bob will do anything for treats and has made it his job to protect our yard from all bunnies and squirrels. He also likes to venture into our pond when I’m not looking! He loves absolutely everyone who comes to the house and will give kisses til the cows come home.

Webby is a sweet little lady - almost 50lbs - who has a couple challenges as the result of puppy mill inbreeding. The most noticeable of these are her “flappy feet”. Her paws are deformed in that they are missing bones. So, she kind of “flaps” around. She also has balance, eyesight (distance), and some intellectual challenges. But don’t you dare tell her! She’s so happy-go-lucky, she doesn’t have a clue anything is wrong with her. For the first few weeks she was here, she stuck close to Bobby and just tried to copy what he was doing. I was worried she might be in pain because of the way she walked and her hesitancy to do the stairs, get on the sofa, etc. Turns out, she was just nervous - because now she gallops around like a clumsy baby horse, hopping up and down the stairs like a pro. I’m thrilled to see her coming out of her shell. She doesn’t give kisses like Bobby, but she will put her nose right up against you and sniff aggressively before throwing herself on you. I’ve never met a dog before who tries to hug like a human - but I think if I could carry her around like a little monkey, she’d be happy. We suspect she is a Bluetick Coonhound mix, though we don't know for sure.

Bobby is getting supplements for his arthritis and some (hopefully seasonal) skin itchiness. Webby is also getting a joint supplement since sometimes her legs shake while she’s standing, which can be a sign of joint stress. Otherwise, they are in good shape but we will be visiting our beloved vet in the new year. 

If you would like to contribute to Webby and Bobby’s care, you can make a tax-deductible donation here.

As of today, Bobby and Webby have not yet met the other dogs. With Bobby being so large and excitable, and with a male-to-male introduction involved (Bob and Sammie), I followed the advice of some of my friends in rescue who suggested I give Bobby and Webby time to adjust to the house, learn routines, and bond with me before thinking about introducing them. Now that they’ve been here over a month, I’ve found a dog trainer I am very excited to work with who will help ensure we do these introductions properly, safely, and with as little stress and anxiety for the dogs as possible. I am very confident that in another couple weeks, we’ll all be happily integrated. 

I want to end this post and this year with a huge thank you to all of you. The support, generosity, encouragement, and love you have shown us this year has really touched me. I don’t feel like I am doing this alone in the slightest. 

2024 is going to be an incredible year. I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve and we’ll catch up with you in the new year!


Blog Post 5: Meet Callie!