Gift Acceptance Policy

Sammie’s House Animal Sanctuary encourages the solicitation and acceptance of gifts for purposes that will help the organization further and fulfill its mission. Sammie’s House urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences. The following policies and guidelines govern acceptance of gifts made to Sammie’s House for the benefit of any of its operations, programs, or endowment. 

Sammie’s House seeks the advice of legal counsel as appropriate in matters relating to acceptance of gifts. Review by counsel is usually sought for: a. Gifts of closely held stock that are subject to restrictions or buy-sell agreements. b. Gifts requiring Sammie’s house to assume financial, legal, or other obligations. c. Transactions with potential conflicts of interest. d. Gifts of property, which may be subject to environmental or other regulatory restrictions. 

Sammie’s House holds all communications with donors and information concerning donors and prospective donors in strict confidence, subject to legally authorized and enforceable requests for information by government agencies and courts. All other requests for or releases of information concerning a donor or prospective donor will be granted only if permission is first obtained from the donor. 

To be counted as revenue, all gifts must be received by Sammie’s House outright, or documented in writing. Written confirmation should be signed by the donor, or a qualified representative, stating that the gift will be allocated to Sammie’s House, and indicate the approximate date(s) when the gift will be sent. Acceptable forms of written confirmation may include a signed letter, written agreement, trust document, or other legal notification. Verbal commitments will not be recorded as revenue until payment or written confirmation is received. 

Unrestricted gifts and gifts for specific programs and purposes may be accepted provided they are consistent with Sammie’s House’s mission and vision statements. Sammie’s House will not accept gifts that are inconsistent with its mission, purposes, or priorities, are judged too difficult or expensive to administer, or would result in any unacceptable consequences for Sammie’s House.